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    Monday, February 07, 2005

    Reflections On A Week of Turmoil

    Well turmoil may be a rough word.

    Generally I think I would say that I call things like i see. I have no real political affiliations or agendas, and for the most part, I keep my rantings and complaints about the world to a minimum. Once in a while, I may blurt out something, or get caught up in a brief discussion.

    Last week was different. I would sit and look out my office window, and wonder what could happen if it all went wrong. I wondered what would happen if things went right. I wondered if I could make a difference.

    The battle against Alberto Gonzales was something I believed in, and became passionately involved with on a daily basis. For a week, I was literally consumed with the battle. I'm not sure if I have felt that way about something before, or maybe it is simply that now I have the tools to *try* to make a difference.

    Well, the battle was lost, but the war goes on. All we can do now is watch what happens, and speak out when possible. Between the 100 letters to Senators I sent last week, and the countless mails shared between total strangers, I think I tried to make that difference, and when it is all mellow again, I feel good about it. It isn't just a case of Bush bashing and opposing him and his policies, but I think it is amuch grander scale. The sort of things going on in or world right now are of the darkest and most evil. When the side that has classically been labelled as "The good 'Ol Boys" starts taking on the role of the Bad Guys, the Aggressors, then it is time for change.

    There are many more battles to come to be sure... Whether or not I am passionate about them is another story, but for now, I have met some great people, and I have found some great reading.

    All I can say is every minute of it was worth the chance to make a difference!

    And above all, continue to stand up against tyranny, torture and injustice!

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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