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    Tuesday, March 08, 2005

    China in the Spotlight

    Ever wake up and see bad news on the news? Well, to be honest, sure, probably every day. Today, I look and MSNBC has a gem of a story about China and their new aggressive, Taiwanese legislation...

    It would seem they have just passed this Bill to deal with Taiwanese Independence...

    "BEIJING - China unveiled a law on Tuesday authorizing military action to stop rival Taiwan from pursuing formal independence, but said an attack would be a last resort if peaceful means fail."

    Naturally, the Chinese claim that aggression is the "last resort" to stop Taiwan's move towards independence. After all of the peaceful means are exhausted, they will use whatever means necessary to maintain their claim on Taiwan.

    “If possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ nonpeaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said Wang Zhaoguo, a leader of the National People’s Congress, as he read from the law.

    So the US aren't the only big bullies out there. This is a bit different though, since Taiwan is claimed to be under Chinese rule (by China)... In this time of nuclear uncertainty, a new hotbed of political unrest is the last thing we as a people need to deal with.

    I sincerely hope this wrinkle in the fabric of our world can be ironed out peacefully. Who knows what would happen if China did invade and occupy Taiwan...

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