Yankee Doodle... Whistlin' to the Bank

I have never liked the Yankees. Ok, that's not true, 48% of them are pretty cool and reasonable people... No wait. I mean BASEBALL! Yeah, in my opinion, they are the spoiled brat pack of ball... Buy the biggest names and now they can't win :D I find consolation in the fact that New York does it with not just hockey, but baseball as well. That being said, I still hate 'em.
Now the numbers give me another reason why.
The team salary of the New York Yankees is $206,000,000. Yeah that's a lot. You consider the next highest team is the Red Sox (who won sure), at $121,000,000. A run down of some "Big Names That Help Win Pennants"?
A-Rod - $25.7 M (1st overall)
Derek Jeter - $19.6M (4th overall)
Mike Mussina - $19M (5th overall)...
I wonder how Andy Phillips made the team getting a salary of only $317,200 a year. He must be the waterboy :)
To put it in perspective, the Yankees total is more than the sum of the 5 lowest teams together... Tampa Bay ($29.9M), Kansas City ($36.9M), Pittsburgh ($38.1M), Milwaukee ($40.2M) and Cleveland ($41.8M). That's something, ain't it? I mean, Tampa Bay could buy A-Rod and two waterboys :P
And they still can't win :D
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