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    Monday, June 13, 2005

    Weekend at Bernie's

    Stardate 4087.5

    First off, thanks to everyone who commented on my song :) It was quite fun, and my second is nearly complete. Basically, I use the Guitar Pro software to write the music. You can pick what tracks (instruments) you would like and then you simply use either the guitar fretboard or the keyboard or even th emusical staff to write the music. Even the drums. It is pretty cool to use, and I find I am learning more theory every day I play with it. I have played guitar for 20 years, and I probably couldn't tell you what all the notes are, but now I am learning :D I start out with a background organ or keyboard theme, and then I buil up some drums. I pick intereting instruments that actually sound good like the flute and such to work out melodies and leads. The electric guitar sounds like total crap for the most part, which is strange since it is really guitar tablature software for learning songs... there are a few tweaks, but all in all it is pretty fun. I can then save it out as a HUGE wav file and with a little conversion, I have a decent MP3 in no time. Ready for sale, or even pirating. Please steal my song and give it to your friends :D

    My buddy just bought a small acreage West of Innisfail, so we went out saturday for a visit and in a sudden burst of spontenaity, we stayed overnight. Had a bunch of fun playing GTA San Andreas and trying some hockey on the X Box. Man what a vulgar game :D It was great. At one point, I was chasing a fat lady on foot, and she kept screaming and calling me a pervert. I couldn't catch her though, which was the funniest part :) He has a pretty nice place out there, and once the yard is worked a bit, it should rock out. Maybe we can camp there :D

    Well watch this week for the second song on my Mega-hoopy album...

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