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    Tuesday, October 25, 2005

    Rice Needs Some Wood...

    Stardate 4758.8

    CTV - Keep softwood in "perspective" urges Rice

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says Canada should not let the softwood lumber dispute overwhelm the important trading relationship that exists between Canada and the United States.

    Why is that? Because the U.S. is much larger and tougher than us? The U.S. will ultimately get what it wants or nothing I figure. After all, a NAFTA ruling in favor of the Canadian side of the disagreement has already been ignored by our magnanimous neighbours to the South. I mean come off it. Already, our borders are "weak" because the U.S. is so paranoid of attackers infiltrating the frontier... the "War on Drugs" is a huge deal since half of Canada wants to legalise pot... It would be if it wasn't for the DEA making busts in our country. So now, after a NAFTA ruling in our favor, we are supposed to keep it in "perspective"?

    "We have mechanisms to do that (resolve trade disputes)", she said. Yes, we do, like the NAFTA ruling.

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