7 Screaming Tankbusters
So after my first brief taste of Call of Duty. I gotta say, the Tanks SUCK. Today will be the ultimate test when we get a bunch of guys together though, and go off shooting a ton of GI's.... The forecast today however? Apart from Call of Duty, I expect to play a ton of Freelancer, Diablo 2, maybe some Sacred even.
One thing I have noticed lately is highway driving... On the way here, I had to cruise at 125. Now, the posted limit has been 110 forever. Why is this? I don't mind I suppose as long as the flow is going that fast, but apparently, it just isn't FAST ENOUGH! I mean, you breeze along at 15 k OVER the limit, and some arsehole is on your tail trying to get by.
See you in the ditch butt-munch... HARHAR. Anyhow, more later after shooting some Americans :D
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