The Big Bike for Strokes Race!
Stardate 4097.8
What a beautiful day for a Big Bike Ride! The sun was out, and we had a full crew for the race. The bike itself is 18 years old, and seats 30 people in 3 rows, including the driver. It weighs a total of 2 tons (less the riders) and once moving goes along at a pretty good pace. There are no gears on the bike, so uphills are grueling and downhills are a breeze :)
I created a photo album showing a few of the folks on our team as well as some other interesting pics of the event. At one point, we actually ran a red light in downtown Red Deer. It is really funny watching the people on the sidewalks and the drivers in cars as you roll by. I found most people to be very friendly and they like to honk or wave back, but some are just too cool to wave.
Our team ended up raising $2,558 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation right here in Alberta. Apart from fuel for the van and trailer to haul the bike around, all of the money raised goes directly into programs and most specifically research right here in Alberta! I was very proud to be part of the team, and I want to thank everyone who donated to this wonderful charity, as well as other great groups!
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