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    Tuesday, September 20, 2005

    Korean Nuke Deal Just Beginning...

    Stardate 4582.6

    CTV - North Korea has declared it won't dismantle its nuclear weapons program until the U.S. first builds it a light-water nuclear reactor.

    "The U.S. should not even dream of the issue of (North Korea's) dismantlement of its nuclear deterrent before providing LWRs."

    Just 24 hours earlier, there was a historic agreement between North Korea and the other nations involved, and now this demand has come up with no warning. However, this appears to be another case of North Korea's "dramatic" style of negotiating... This coul dbe bad news for the deal however as the US has been strongly opposed to this proposition since before the recent deal. According to the deal as it stood, talk of the LWR would only occur after the deal was signed...

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