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    Monday, November 14, 2005

    Skate or Die!

    Stardate 4858.4

    Remembrance Day is a day to reflect on the past, and the sacrifices that many men and women made over the course of history, to stand up for our way of life and freedoms... However, it is also a long weekend and what do people do on long weekends? Well, play mindless hours of Neverwinter Nights of course!!!! Okay and maybe a lot of other things too...

    Sunday was by far the best day. We have made a ritual of going swimming in Lacombe at their lovely recreation facility every Sunday now. It is good exercise, and something the whole family enjoys doing. Of course, it is over at 5, so it is only the matter of a quick supper and public skating begins at our own rink.

    Public skating is a very interesting thing to behold. Especially if you are a mediocre skater at best, like myself. By mediocre, I mean that I can go pretty good forward, and if I am bubbling with confidence, I may even try some cross-overs goign around the end boards... However, stopping suddenly is one of my weaknesses that I hope to seriously remedy this year. The rink is generally packed with people of all ages and skill levels, so while there are 4 year old kids skating circles around me and doing half nelsons er axles or whatever, there are also some folks even wobblier than me. There are all the kids that range from say 7 to 13 that like to hit each other, and chase each other, and fight, and there are kids who push those "walkers" around too. Then there is the inevitable crowd of people who like to stand and talk right in the way of where everyone is supposed to skate. Why not move to the center of the rink where no one skates? Then we wouldn't have to zip in and out of you like Jedi's on some sort of jet boots...

    I half wiped out 3 kids last night. Nothing serious, and no real collisions, but definately a scoop up under the arms while my knees made horrible, chilling contact with the ice surface. I would suggest none of the incidents were my fault of course, but maybe it is just too packed for someone with my miserable skills. Simply put, I have to learn to stop properly. That means going every week...

    Also, as part of the Blog explosion community, we can "rent out" advertising on our blogs and this week, I present the blog of Paul, Kerri and the boys. Paul is an englishman who lives in Toronto with his family, and writes about a good many things of interest. He is currently looking for a catchy title for his blog, and I am sure a visit and comment for him would be appreciated! He is an auto racing fan, and enjoys classic rock of the harder variety :P As an interesting side note, they honeymooned in South Africa which is personally interesting to me, after spending so much of my youth there!

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

    Site design created by Zaphod. All written work and code is the intellectual property of Glyn Evans.