Of parties and training
My birthday weekend was a lot of fun. Originally, I thought we were goign to pack up my music gear and head to a friend's for a night of fun and music, but as it turns out, my wife set up a fun and very nearly a complete surprise party for me. There were quite a few folks over, and in the end, two of my friends (both bass players) got to hang and jam a bit after the others had left.
I do have a new addiction to try out in the form of Guild Wars. We shall see. I only just began toying around with World of Warcrack.
Today shall be an interesting work day. We have been usign some fairly old software for our roadway design stuff, and with the new Windows coming out, chances are, it won't work anymore. Therefore, we are all hauling our computers to the board room today to learn how to design roads with Eaglepoint software.
I dunno... old dogs, new tricks. We'll see I suppose :)
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