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    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Assimilate THIS Mr. Chandler

    Stardate 8117.80

    Taken in whole from Daveberta...

    If you move to alberta – adapt or leave: craig chandler.

    Alberta PC nomination candidate Craig Chandler has eloquently declared his feelings towards new Albertans who choose to exercise their constitutional right to vote for a political party other than the 36-year old ruling Progressive Conservative Party of Ed Stelmach.

    I wonder which point in Ed Stelmach’s five-priority plan Chander is promoting when he wrote this:

    To those of you who have come to our great land from out of province, you need to remember that you came here to our home and we vote conservative. You came here to enjoy our economy, our natural beauty and more. This is our home and if you wish to live here, you must adapt to our rules and our voting patterns, or leave. Conservatism is our culture. Do not destroy what we have created.

    Considering that Stelmach's Tories haven't been doing too well in Calgary lately, I wonder how excited Ed Stelmach will be with Craig Chandler carring the PC banner in Calgary Egmont?

    I know I'm looking forward to the daily entertainment.

    I almost laughed when I read this post. Not at Dave of course, but at the mindset of some of these arrogant pricks. What a joke. Who are "we" anyhow? The day I vote Conservative in Alberta is the day hell freezes over.

    Mister Worf says... "Assimilate THIS!"

    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Ciao Alberto "Torturemeister" Gonzales

    Stardate 8112.73

    This is a most welcome headline this morning on the news pages...

    Embattled U.S. Attorney General Gonzales resigns

    What is interesting about this entire deal is that the reason my interest in blogging really took off several years ago was when this guy was nominated for the position of Attorney General. He had some rather questionable ideals with regards to how legal torture of prisoners and detainees was and how it was a-okay for US forces to use these means in the supposed "War on Terror". After many hiccups along his illustrious stand as Attorney general, he is done. He was an advocate for the illegal wiretapping fiasco and was also responsible for firing several US attorneys on the most sketchy grounds imagineable...

    So this makes a 4th addition to the list of high-up officials in the Bush administration to resign. Rumsfeld, Rove and Wolfowitz have all stepped aside from their positions previously.

    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    Back from BC

    Stardate 8057.66

    Well we ar eback from holidays in BC and had a fantastic time. Sadly, I have little time for blogging at the moment, with work, yard and broken PCs at home.

    RIP Elvis...

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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