Stardate 8938.80
Well the big buzz of late has been confidence motions and elections. Everything the Tories are doing these days seems to be based on confidence motions... Whether it's their latest crime bill, or more recently, an
extension to our war in Afghanistan. I suspect this will be a trigger for election, though if somehow it goes through, the budget should be the final straw. After all, the economy seems to be following a downward trend, and the last thing the Tories want is to wait so long that the economy becomes a nail in their coffin...

But I don't think things are so rosy for H-Dawg and his band of merry men. After all, the tories have done little to actually benefit the average Canadian in my opinion... The Child Care "Plan" they put forth ended up costing the average person even more for child care now, since funding cuts to Daycare facilities ended up causing a hike in fees, that the $100 a month "beer and popcorn" money simply can't cover... and what happened to one of the major 5 priorities they had last election? No longer can we find a
Health Care Wait Times Guarantee priority, as it had been replaced with something along the lines of "strengthening Canada's image abroad" or some such nonsense. He has turned his back completely on the environment,
making Canada the laughing stock of most of the planet and his touted "Transparency in government" has become just the opposite, with numerous occurrences of muzzled MPs, members of the press, and closed door sessions.
Firing people for doing their jobs? Invite only press galleries? How transparent is that?

In this light, and as the newly elected Vice President of the Federal Wetaskiwin Liberal Association, I must point out that there is (and always has been) an alternative to voting Conservative in Alberta. The new Liberal candidate in our riding is
Rita Dillon, who has been an Albertan and Stéphane Dion supporter for many years now. Rita has very high standards and is willing to go that extra mile for Albertans and Canadians alike. I will definately do what I can to help her campaign, and hopefully make a breakthrough in Alberta for the Federal Liberal Party of Canada.
Let's end our combat operations in Afghanistan, and move Canada back towards the level of respect they held environmentally. Let's take our country from the Conservatives, and give it back to the people it belongs to. Canadians!

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