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    Wednesday, October 17, 2007

    Throne Speech

    Stardate 8369.05

    I really didn't expect much different from the Speech from the Throne. Of course, the ongoing refusal to do anything towards even trying to honor our Kyoto comittment was expected, but the WORST part of the speech is the extension of the Afghanistan conflict beyond 2011... Again, no end in sight for this war. I don't blame Dion for not triggering an election. At present, not much would change politically, and it would only cost time and money that should be spent actually running our country.
    Good news though, we'll save even more pennies if they nuke another 1% off the GST! Whoopy ding-dong! I will be interested to see the personal tax cuts they propose.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    Habs Watch - The Price is Right

    Stardate 8333.50

    Another year and more "Habs Watch" from me. So far, the season has started out pretty good, with only 2 games under our belt. Both have gone to OT and they have ended up a split. The mix of new faces far outweighs the lot of old ones that went away (well maybe Souray could have stayed), and I won't miss the likes of Samsonov or Bonk at all.

    The game tonight, on the road in Pittsburgh, will feature the debut of two rising Habs, Kyle Chipchura on a 4th line with Begin and Dandenault, and Carey Price in goal. Price has impressed so far, but will be mightily tested against Crosby and the Penguins.
    Let's see what these guys can do shall we?

    Tuesday, October 09, 2007

    What is it with Alberta drivers?

    Stardate 8328.80

    I fail to understand why drivers in Alberta need to be in so much of a hurry that they continuously put their own lives as well as the lives of others at risk on a daily basis!

    The last 3 days in a row (not counting the weekend of course), there have been major accidents on the way to work that have resulted in highway closures.

    The first, had Highway 2A between Red Deer and Blackfalds shut down. The second on the following morning occured on the overpass between Highway 2 and Highway 11A. This resulted in a partial if not full closure of Highway 11A. This morning, another accident on Highway 11A saw traffic into Red Deer closed off.

    I can only assume (though the odds are high) that speed is a factor in all of these accidents, especially considering they all occured in the morning rush. Did anyone die? Injuries? How much money does this cost society? It uses up our rescue services, policing, insurance rates climb... people who must find alternates routes are seriously late...

    Looks like these people didn't get anywhere any quicker.


    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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