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    Wednesday, January 23, 2008

    What? Bush lied? No shit Sparky...

    Stardate 8858.22

    It took them THIS long to figure out Bushco lied before invading Iraq? Oh yeah, I forgot... so many people were so busy oiling up their rifles they couldn't be bothered to think for themselves.

    Never did find those WMDs... and damnit, it turns out Osama bin Who? wasn't Sadaam's sister after all...

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    Not Appreciated in an Unappreciated War

    Stardate 8824.90

    I have never agreed with the invasions of either Afghanistan or especially Iraq. Our involvement in Afghanistan is something I am truly opposed to, and now, the biggest player in the occupation seemingly has nothing good to say about NATO's involvement.

    BRUSSELS, Belgium -- Some of America's closest NATO allies reacted with surprise and disbelief Wednesday to reported comments from U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates suggesting that their troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan are not up to the job.
    The Dutch Defence Ministry summoned the U.S. ambassador for an explanation of a Los Angeles Times article that said Gates complained about soldiers from Canada, Britain and the Netherlands not knowing how to fight a guerrilla insurgency.

    Sorry to say it, but whether you agree with the war or not, OUR troops are dying there, and this charge is preposterous. Of course, the Defense Secretary's spokesman can only say that Gates did not single out a single country in particular.

    Seems like yet another reason for us to get out now. An unwelcome war with us as unappreciated participants. Let the Americans have their wars that I believe they no longer want either, nor can they sustain them alone.

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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