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    Wednesday, April 06, 2005

    Kick Butt Villains Volume III

    The Kurgan... possibly the baddest, blackest and foulest of villains ever exposed on the big screen. He was the starring villain in Highlander, played by Clancy Brown. His character, Kurgan lived only to win The Prize, and to defeat all other immortals in battle. He had no sense of love or mercy, and he quickly became the most powerful and feared of the immortals. He was of great physical stature and strength, and fought with unparalleled ferocity with the blade.

    The first encounter with MacLeod...

    An ancient people from the steppes of Russia, the Kurgan used to throw children into pits with starving dogs, just to get some laughs.

    Conversing with a Priest...

    After being nearly captured by Police in modern day New York, he shaved his head and in a grotesque display, used safety pins as piercings covering the scar left by Ramirez hundreds of years before... As "Victor Krueger", he wrought havoc on New York by running down pedestrians, causing mayhem and destroying signs and buildings... A memorable moment of his career is when he hijacks a car owned by some elderly folks, and after throwing the old man out, he sits down, turns to the old lady and says "Moommm" in a voice only a katana slice to throat can produce :D

    He slew Ramirez easily, and after numerous encounters with Connor MacLeod, was finally defeated, possibly due to his egomaniacal tendency to gloat. He was responsible for the death of many a man, rape of many a woman, and most any other acts of savagery you could think of. If he had have won The Prize, mankind would have suffered under his rule for an eternity...

    Coming up next time...

    Ming the Merciless...

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