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    Monday, May 02, 2005

    Iran vs. US - Nuclear Energy

    Stardate 3877.7

    Iran plans defense of nuclear program, while the US is set to deliver an ultimatum at an international conference.

    Iran is planning to mount a staunch defense of its nuclear energy program at an international conference beginning today and will insist on rights to the same technology afforded to all members of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a senior Iranian official said in an interview yesterday.

    The US wants to stop any pursuit of nuclear power or research in Iran for fears of them building weapons instead of power plants.

    Diplomats from over 180 countries are reviewing the NPT ove rthe course of the next month. The treaty gives may nations access to nuclear energy technology but does not allow them to create nuclear weapons. This deal that originated in 1970, also binds the 5 founding members (The US, France, Britain, China and Russia) to a committment to eventually elimate their nuclear weapon stockpiles.

    It all seems like a goo dtreaty but sadly, there are no punishments for actually going out and researching bomb building... This is what happened with North Korea. They simply left the NPT.

    Read more here...

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