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    Friday, July 22, 2005

    Simulated Seafood and Crab... With Extra Olives!!!

    Stardate 4282.5

    Don't get me wrong... I really do like the taste of Subway sandwiches. But...

    I freaking hate Subway commercials. I *love* greasy burgers, and watching those commercials pisses me off because they insinuate I am a fool for wanting a greasy burger and not one of their "fresh" subs.

    Define fresh. Do they go pick the letuce in the back garden? Nay. Slice up the olives right there? No. Maybe they slay the chicken or simulated crab (humanely of course) in the cold room out back. Nope. How do you humanely slay a simulate crab anyways?

    Humanely Slaying a Simulated Crab

    Speaking of olives... Their slogan is something like "Your way, right away" or something right? So how come every time I ask for extra friggin olives on my simulated seafood and crab preparation (fresh) sandwich, they say they cannot because it puts their inventory out of whack? I shit you not, I have had a manager tell the "sandwich expert" making my "fresh" sandwich that there should be no more than 6 olive slices on a footlong sub RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. 6 OLIVES! WOW. Taste delight to the extreme...

    LOOK! TWO olive slices in a whole 6" sub! Whillikers!

    Too me, that is NOT "my sub my way right away"... How about you hold the jalapenos and add a couple of extra lego wheels for me? If you hold off on the tomatoes, you could toss a couple more on too! Already, we are at 6 on a 6" which equals 12 on a footlong. My mathematics is obviously superior so don't argue here. But NO. Inventory... The cost of olives has gone through the roof it seems.

    And I wonder why I love Wendy's so much... :P

    PS Image of Humane Simulated Crab Slaying Copywrited by Me :P
    PSS No Simulated Crabs were harmed in this entry.

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

    Site design created by Zaphod. All written work and code is the intellectual property of Glyn Evans.