Stardate 4587.8
CTV - There is another call from one of his own for his resignation now. Last week, 4 Tories from Quebec all stood up to say he would never win an election and should resign, and this week, Carol Jamieson from Toronto is doing the same. She is the vice-chair of all Greater Toronto Conservative councils and has a very strong following in the Toronto area.
In her letter, she writes: "The time has come for Stephen Harper to stop dreaming that his destiny is 24 Sussex Drive. That day will only come if one of its residents invites him over because they are looking for a stick-in-the-mud dinner guest."
Harper seems to be involved in a Koboyashi Maru scenario all of his own. He thinks he could win an election if there was one right now, but his own party doesn't and wants new leadership. Perhaps he should call for a leadership election first...
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