Canada Votes 2006 - Writing for CBC
I am very pleased to announce that I have been asked to join CBC.CA as part of their Election 2006 Round Table Panel. This will be a unique opportunity to put forth some of my views, ideas and observances of the Election Campaign, the Policies and Politicians.
I am very excited about this of course, and also somewhat nervous. However, I believe that when the nerves settle, and the excitement wanes, I can deliver some unique perspective on the Election and the issues involved!
The panel itself will consist of 5 bloggers, all of varying political interests and backgrounds. I may very well be the least experienced of the group, so perhaps this, combined with my enthusiasm will encourage younger people and others not normally involved in politics to take part in this Campaign and Election!
I will be posting approximately once a day, covering various aspects of the Campaign and there will be comments and discussions galore!
*** UPDATE ***
So it is possible for me tupdate or amend a post on the CBC Panel, however, it then goes into moderate mode again until reviewed.
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