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    Friday, January 13, 2006

    The Zeisman fiasco heats up

    Stardate 5158.4

    The Conservative Party knew about his charges...

    “In a newspaper interview, Zeisman insisted the party knew about the charges laid under the Customs Act,” the Canadian Press reported out of Vancouver tonight.

    Harper insists that the criminal background check didn't come up with anything about this. Well if Zeisman began working as a part-time constituency assistant sometime in 2004, and the incident ocurred in July 2004, it would be interesting to know when the criminal background checks were done. Likely before this incident. Apparently, Mr. Zeisman's web site redirects to the CPC page for some reason.

    I find it hard to believe that nobody in his riding, or his party knew about the court appearances he had already been to.

    And what of the funds received by the CPC for votes thrown his way? He can't sit in the caucus, but at $1.75 a vote, and the previous numbers... they could collect nearly $30,000 from a non-contender.

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