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    Thursday, October 12, 2006

    Habs Watch - Off to a good start

    Stardate 6517.87

    As you can see, I have begun to track the progress of the Mighty Habs once again on my sidebar. I did this last year, more for my own gratification than anythign else, and to make the season more interesting.

    Well it seems as though the Habs have started off the 2006/2007 season with a bang, going 2-0-1 on their 3 game road trip before heading home. So far, David Aebischer has been solid in net, and undoubtedly, Huet will pick it up and carry on from where he left off last year. Koivu and Higgins have really been lighting it up, and it won't take long for the rest of the boys to follow suit.

    Some new faces that are interesting include Sergei Samsonov (15 LW), Mike Johnson (20 RW) and Janne Niinimaa (6 D). Hopefully they bring some speed and offence to the club. I was never a big fan of Niinimaa, so we'll see how he works out.

    Montreal's home opener is saturday against the Ottawa Senators.

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