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    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Abolishing the gun registry secretly...

    Stardate 7423.2

    Well it seems the Tories are not "getting things done" with regards to a new plan to replace the gun registry. Personally, I support the gun registry but I also admit that it has been administered extremely poorly and changes need to be made.

    However, without any fanfare or debate in the Commons, the Tories have quietly given long gun owners another year to register weapons. Is this because they can't come up with something better? Probably... look what happened with their environment policy :) So since they can't abolish the plan in the House, they will simply keep pushing the deadline for registrations back, effectively abolishing the plan.

    The problem that arises as far as I can see is that the registry is in fact used by the RCMP (effectiveness is open to debate of course) but another year delay in registering means they will now have a registry that is 2 years out-dated.

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