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    Thursday, December 23, 2004

    When Sci-Fi Becomes Reality

    Everyone remember the 2000 movie, "The Sixth Day" with Arnold Schwarzeneggar? Well now, according to MSNBC News, you can actually get your pet cloned. THis is just like RePet in the movie. Arnie went and got his dog cloned for his daughter.... or did he.

    Seems this company in the US, Genetic Savings and Clone, can do your pet for you, and thanks to their new and improved cloning technique, even environmental conditions will play little or no part in your new pet's overall look and attitude.

    So what's next then? I still have some issues dealing with cloning entire people. There is the classic "What of the Human Soul" issue, and that is probably my stickiest point. It seems that genetically, the flesh could be copied. But what of this soul? Is it the Stuff of DNA? I guess this is really part of that Big Question. Perhaps it is a paradox. There can only be one me, (well maybe not anymore...) which means there can only be one Soul of me, so if I was cloned and alive, what would happen? If I died, and my Soul passed on to the next kingdom, would it be ripped back to our world, and placed in a new body?

    Then there are other issues. First, technology like this would NEVER be used for the good of mankind. I mean, we could wipe out all number of disorders and illnesses using gene splicing and genetic engineering, but NO. As shown by Genetic Savings and Clone, they would rather put all that research into money making. $50,000 for a RePet kitten. How much to freeze your DNA and create a clone if you die?$500,000? Is this something only the few greedy, rich folks can use?

    What about insurance? Insurance itself is a joke really. People buy insurance expecting to have problems... But now, if you freeze up a toenail for RePet to use, will you be denied insurance? Maybe they will charge you extra. You could buy insurance in case your toenail gets lost and you cannot be cloned! What about your kids?? They will have to live with you forever!!! HAHA! So much for the Cycle of Life.

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