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    Monday, January 31, 2005

    E-mail Scams and Spellcheckers...

    Everyone is likely familiar with the zillion scams you get in e-mails... The list is endless. Ebay, Paypal, credit cards, banking... I get mails to verify my account and password from banks I have never even heard of!
    The ones that are frightening however, are the mails from outfits that you *do* deal with. It isn't like I would fall for them EVER, but usually, they begin along the lines of...
    "Dear Paypal Customer,"
    Well I got one last night that began "Dear gevans96@***,"
    This was surprising but what got me in the end was that almost every other word was spelled incorrectly. Typos abound. I mean really, the perps here have GOT to be retarded. The only people stupider than these scammers are the people who actually fall for it!
    Kinda reminds me of the bank robber who got laughed out of the bank for mispelling "Stick Up" on his robbery note...

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