Play this one backwards Dude...

Ronnie James Dio
Naturally, many heavy metal artists throughout the 70's, 80's and even the 90's used gimmicks like this to sell millions of albums. Fans ate it up like chocolate covered chocolate... I ate up... But what if there actually were subliminal backwards messages? I remember the senseless Lawsuit against Judas Priest about the two kids who killed themselves after supposedly listening to "Better By You, Better Than Me" over and over, and magically picking out "Do It" as the impetus for their suicides... what if. Naturally, in that instance, the band was innocent.
George W. Bush
Surfing around, I found this picture on Classy Warfare and thought I would suggest a few things... If in fact there was a trend of metal artists doing these messages as jokes (I hardly think they could be taken seriously if they did truly exist) where does this end? Perhaps we should all record George's speeches on vinyl... Wow. Obviously, the man with his firm Christian beliefs has something hidden and evil inside him, waiting to get out. I knew it was all a ploy from the start. Play his inauguration speech backwards and see what happens! Heh... Perhaps a thousand answers could be had. Perhaps it would make more sense than half the stuff we here from him normally. Perhaps he apologises to the world every time, but know one clicks in. Whatever happened to the PMRC anyhow??
I do hope that readers realise this is meant to be fun and not a serious attack on anyone. Naturally, the picture can perhaps show some folks how Mr. Bush does not always think before he acts, and how his actions could be misinterpreted by millions...
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