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    Wednesday, February 02, 2005

    Hockey Blues...

    In a recent appearance on Saturday Night Live, Brett Hull answered some pretty tough questions about Canadians, homosexuals and hockey...

    Hull was asked about Canada's Supreme Court ruling last week stating that gay marriage was constitutional, allowing the federal government to call on Parliament to legalize same-sex unions nationwide.
    "That's what happens in Canada when there's no hockey," Hull replied to laughter. "Guys have more time to hang out, talk about their feelings and fall in love with each other. I have nothing against it, but I'd rather be playing hockey."
    Now whether this is true or not is anyone's guess of course. This all being said, I begin to wonder about Hockey, the Money and the Lockout. I love hockey. Even when I am mad at the refs, the rules, or the players. It is a fast and furious sport, and is unparalleled when it comes to entertainment value.
    Is it worth the Big Bucks? One of the sticking points to me with the lockout is the desire of the NHLPA (Player's Friggin Union) to have NO salary cap. In a market like the NHL, the revenues are simply not there. If the money is not the same as Baseball, Football or Basketball, how can the players expect to get paid the same? What is the problem with *only* making $1 million a year? Is it too little to get by on? Maybe $2 million is far more adequate.
    The way I see it, the majority of the players (I will not attempt to research or guess the numbers) do not fall into a salary range that would even be affected by a Salary Cap. These guys are the ones that are really suffering right now. They don't get to play, they don't get paid, and if they did, they would only make $700 K maybe anyhow! So the FEW players at the upper salary ranges are the ones that are going to be hit by a Cap. Fair enough. So why not have THEM sit out, and let the others all play? If a guy is the best player around (remember Gretz????) maybe he deserves $10 million. Maybe it should be in bonuses... If he gets 50 goals, or 120 points or whatever...
    As much as I laughed at Brett Hull's comments, I would DARE anyone to show me how he is worth the $5 million salary he signed for with Phoenix. Is it the goals? The points? The raw skills that the aging veteran shows? Give me a break. These are the guys that are ultimately responsible for the lockout. Either washed up vets, or mediocre guys that signed ridiculous contracts when they got started (heh remember Alexander Daigle and his $1 million deal comig out of the Juniors...)
    So now, I think it is time to embrace Junior hockey. World Cup. Anything except getting these rich bastards richer. I would give my left nut for the amount of money Brett Hull makes in ONE GAME!!!! It is more than my yearly salary. And they complain.

    SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL JUNIORS!!!! I am going to a game Saturday between the Red Deer Rebels and the Kootenay Ice. Go Rebels Go!
    *** UPDATED ***
    I stand corrected in the fact that the players are in fact being paid by the Union while the lockout is in effect. Naturally, it is a paultry sum compared to their usual salaries, but it still puts mine to shame (and I have to work EVERY day)... I am thinking this pay scale may be linked the normal salary scale or perhaps the type of Free Agency etc. that the player falls under.
    Another point that has been brought up is that the Owners themselves should treat the business as a business as opposed to a "My team rules" kind of thing. I still somewhat disagree with that entire mentality however, as the New York Rangers can prove time and again, the highest payroll means nothing (since they can't even make the playoffs)... I would take an entire team of hard working under $1 million players to the Rangers any day.

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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