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    Tuesday, February 15, 2005

    NHL Lockout Continues; Hope In Sight?

    Well the lockout is still on. Talks are continuing, and even while discussions were underway, Betteman was preparing to announce the cancellation of the season for good.

    In a sudden change of heart, the NHLPA agreed to a salary cap (Oh my, you think???) but the discussions broke down when it came to the amount that teams could spend.

    The Player's Association offerred a Cap of $52 Million but it is a far cry from the number of $40 Million suggested by the NHL. Considering the NHLPA agrees to a 24% salary rollback, only 8 teams at present would be over the $40 Million...

    Sadly, the NHLPA still will not tie the cost of players to a percentage of league revenues so the talks are at a standstill AGAIN. Damnit.

    Take the cash. Play your game. One million is enough isn't it? Well, for me it is... I dunno about you.

    Oh, and I know that the Owners are partly to blame for paying so much to begin with. Oh well. Suck it up Players... The way I see it, the difference between the two offers woul donly likely effect the top 4 players on a team anyhow. Everyone else still gets paid a "fair" wage so maybe the richest guys should live a little leaner... Heh. That sounds so friggin stupid considering the salaries.

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