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    Tuesday, August 16, 2005

    Elvis Aaron Presley (1935-1977)

    Stardate 4409.4

    Elvis Aaron Presley (1935-1977)

    Today is the 28th anniversary of the passing of the King of Rock'n'Roll. I grew up listening to a lot of Elvis, and my first album ever was "Elvis is Back" which was his first recording after returning from serving in Germany. After listening to this over and over I gradually developed a keen taste and collected dozens of his albums. I was 7 when he died, but still, his passing had affected me as it did so many others. His music goes on strong, even today, and listening to a few of his more passionate songs like "If I Can Dream" could really help people today in the world of conflict we live in.

    Elvis was born on January 8th, 1935 and passed away on August 16th, 1977. In his career, he recorded literally hundreds of albums and singles, starred in 33 successful films and performed many shows all over the world. It is estimated that he has sold over 1 billion albums worldwide.

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