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    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    Energy Dividends for Albertans?

    Stardate 4547.6

    Alberta's big business is oil. There is farming sure, and other commodities, but oil is the ticket. Now with the energy prices being as high as they are right now, it is projected that Alberta could have as much as a $7 BILLION surplus.... Sounds great really.

    Now I am not a big fan of Mr "Privatization" Klein but now he and the Finance Minister, Shirley McClellan are thinking they should spend and share some of this surplus.

    "When Alberta is doing well, then Albertans deserve to share in that prosperity,'' the premier said after the closed-door caucus meeting.
    So, it looks like we could be getting what amounts to an energy rebate cheque this winter, or at least a dividend cheque and tax break. I seriously hope it is a good number though, as the cost of gasoline and natural gas are going to break a lot of Albertans this winter. Of course, this will happen to a good many people in Canada and around the world, but then, I have always been of the feeling that since we produce so much oil and energy in Alberta, we should get a break at the pump at the very least...

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