Super Mom's Day
Stardate 3912.6
Well I must say, yesterday was busy busy! Slept in a little, and then I got up to make breakfast for my wife. The boy ran down and bought a nice flower for her, so after eating and getting that, she was pretty happy. I cleaned up the kitchen and she iced a cake to take to the Grandma's farm later on.
I had finished the Marine Sarge the night before, so I needed to take lots of pics, and update my site. By the time that was done, it was time to go! We visited with the entire family out at Grandma's farm which is always fun, and as always, there was more than enough food to fill us up! After that, we zipped up to my Mom's place, and had a nice visit with her and my Aunt (they are twins :D ). My brother was already there, so that was a great surprise. He hadn't come down last weekend for his birthday, so it was good to see him. Stopped in at my buddies quick after that and then we all headed home!
Mom came up too, and we gave my brother his new microwave and stand that we had all got for his birthday. He has a pretty small pad in Edmonton, so it is ideal for him to heat up suppers and such :)
Well it was a good but very busy weekend. I am beat already and it is only 7 am! I have ball tonight too, so I better get lots of sleep at work :P
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