Goodbye Vinnie...
After 18 seasons, Vince Damphousse has called it quits. He was always one of my favs inMontreal and it is a shame to see him go. He played 1,378 NHL games, and scored 432 goals, 773 assists for a total of 1,205 points! His career began in Toronto, Edmonton, and finally he landed in Montreal, where I became a devout follower. In his first year in Montreal, the Habs won their 24th Stanley Cup and Vinnie got 23 points in 20 playoff games, as well as 97 points in the regular season.
Finally, the inevitable happened as it does with all my favorite players... He was traded to San Jose after becoming team Captain. Finally, he signed with Colorado last year, but failed to play in the cancelled season.
Thanks for all the fun and memories Vinnie!!!
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