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    Monday, November 21, 2005

    Civilians Shot in Baqouba

    Stardate 4893.2

    CTV - US soldier mistakenly fires on Iraqi civilians

    US Forces mistankenly fired on a civilian vehicle outside an American military base north of Baghdad, killing at least 3 people from US reports and 5 people from the local police report. The family was returning from a funeral and the soldiers thought the car was driving erratically. After warning shots, the vehicle continued and the soldier engaged them.

    This sort of thing may happen but it is just another effect of the occupation. Major Steven Warren of the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division said, "It was one of these regrettable, tragic incidents and it wouldn't happen if Zarqawi (followers) weren't driving car bombs." Here's a brainwave army dudes... those people wouldn't be driving car bombs if you weren't occupying the country.

    This story seems to have been skipped by a lot of media...

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