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    Wednesday, February 08, 2006

    Crossing the floor... Traitorous MPs

    Stardate 5288.2

    This has happened before. Belinda Stronach defected to the Liberals after a noisy disagreement with Stephen Harper. Well, now, only a few weeks after the election, the Vancouver Kingsway riding winner, David Emerson has switched parties, leaving the Liberals whom he was elected with for the CPC. I see several problems here. First, the Liberals want him to repay the $97,000 in campaign funds that they had raised there which makes sense. Not only this but there were approximately 300 volunteers that helped him get elected. Wow. So there is a rather large difference between the two cases in my opinion.

    The much larger problem lies in the fact that the people who voted for him placed their votes for the Liberal party. They didn't want to be represented by the Conservatives. So now he has betrayed the trust of the people who voted him in. I think there should be a by-election to see if he will win as a CPC candidate. There is nothing else for it.

    The Vancouver riding voted for him with an overwhelming 20,000 votes compared to only 8,700 for the actual CPC candidate. Of course, the package given to him by the Conservatives, was so attractive that anyone would have jumped ship and betrayed their voters... Minister of international trade, minister for the Pacific Gateway and minister responsible for the Vancouver-Whistler 2010 Winter Olympics.

    I am glad that someone with his low character has switched sides. He deserves to be in the CPC as far as I'm concerned. Too bad the people who voted for him got stabbed in the back. So how about that by-election?

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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