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    Tuesday, October 18, 2005

    Clinton on Fair Trade

    Stardate 4722.7

    CTV - Clinton is sympathetic with Canadians on trade...

    Every day, the US seems to redefine what "Free Trade" is all about. They take signed treaties like NAFTA and simply toss them out the window when the ruling goes against them. Well this is nothing new. The UN says one thing, and the US does another. It's typical.

    However, we have a new ally it would seem, in former US President, Bill Clinton. He seems to think that the softwood lumber dispute is only the start of what could be a continuing trade battle between our two nations.
    "In view of the American position, I don't see how your Prime Minister can be anything but really publicly very tough on this. I don't think he's got an option..."

    Yes, no doubt. The economic giant to the south of our great unprotected frontier will undoubtedly bully us into whatever agreement they see fit. Well maybe not. There are obviously other markets to open up, like China say. Now that would probably put a little spark under the US' Free Trade position... China.

    Martin has been doing his job though. Last week, he told George Bush on the phone that he would continue the battle in courts, and in a recent speech in New York, he attacked the US position on the trade feud.

    In the softwood dispute alone, thousands of jobs have vanished as a result, and billions of dollars in revenue. However, will it end there?

    Stay tuned for some interesting ideas on how "futures speculation" is driving the price of oil through the roof, and how Mister Bush won't do anything to stop it...

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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