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    Wednesday, October 12, 2005

    The Greatest Jedi of Them All

    Stardate 4692.9

    The story of the Jedi order has been going on since the early days. It was in 1977 that I first heard "he was a Jedi, like your father...". The Jedi were pure, selfless, honest and the best warriors in the galaxy. The shape and image of Jedi throughout the various movies has changed and we have seen more and more characters develop who follow this path in the shows. But who was the best out of the most popular ones?

    Anakin Skywalker

    In the beginning, Anakin was very young when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan found him. He was already a formidable pilot and mechanic, and through the close training of Obi-Wan, he became arguably, the most powerful of the Jedi. However, the Council did not trust him and never granted him Jedi Master status. Partly because of this, and his yearning for personal glory and perfection, he was turned to the dark side of the force by Palpatine and became Darth Vader....

    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Obi-Wan was taught by Qui-Gon and went on to teach both Anakin and Luke Skywalker the ways of the Force. His skill in combat and with the Force was only equaled by his thinking and common sense. He battled against many Sith Lords, including Darth Maul, Count Dooku and General Grievous. He eventually gave himself up to Darth Vader, his old pupil, in order to convince Luke to continue his training...


    Yoda made up for his small stature with immense control over the Force. He was an excellent swordsman, but his mastery of levitation and the control of inanimate objects was legendary. He was the wisest of the Jedi, and battled long against the evil Emperor Palpatine before going into hiding on Dagobah after the Jedi council was destroyed by Vader. He completed Luke's training on Dagobah, where he died peacefully at a very old age.

    Luke Skywalker

    An impetuous farm boy, Luke was taken in by Obi-Wan after his Aunt and Uncle were killed by Imperial Forces. Only Obi-Wan knew that Vader was Luke's father. Luke was responsible for the destruction of the original Death Star. He began his training with Obi-Wan, and after getting instruction from Yoda, was almost killed by Darth Vader after confronting him too soon in his training. He later finished his mastery of the Force and went on to face Vader again, this time helping defeat the evil Emperor and turning Vader back to the good side of the Force.

    Qui-Gon Jinn

    Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan's master, and another of the most powerful Jedi. Qui-Gon was different from most Jedi Masters in that he relied heavily on his instincts as opposed to thinking things out. He and Obi-Wan battled long against Darth Maul, and eventually, the Sith Lord overcame him and slew him. Qui-Gon was formidable but never gained elevation to the Jedi Council.

    Mace Windu

    Mace Windu was one of the senior members of the esteemed Jedi Council. He had immense Wisdom, and was the mastermind behind many of the Jedi's missions. He was a great diplomat, and would rather negotiate than use force in almost every situation. When he found out that Palpatine was the evil Sith Lord Darth Sidious, he went to arrest him, and would have defeated him if Anakin had not betrayed him. He was slain by the Emperor after Anakin disarmed him...

    Obviously, there are many other Jedi out there, but I feel these are the main characters from the movie.

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