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    Friday, April 28, 2006

    Softwood lumber agreement...

    Stardate 5682.70

    It would seem a deal has been struck between the US and Canada. Is it actually a good deal for Canada? Or is it a sellout to appease Big Brother to the south? In the words of the man with the moustache...

    NDP Leader Jack Layton also criticized the U.S. for keeping $1 billion in duties.

    "It is incredible that such a thing could be called acceptable," Layton said.

    "It's like if a judge said to a thief all you have to do is pay back 80 cents on the dollar and we'll call it even."

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think we sold out somewhat, but then is it worse than the dispute raging on? This money has been awarded to the Canadian side 7 times in the dispute already apparently. I think this needs to be voted on in the House, like the Tories promised to do with international treaties. And how important is this to them? It is a top headline everywhere in Canada, and bottom of the list in the US, if it appears on the news at all...

    Thursday, April 27, 2006

    Habs Watch - Koivu out indefinately

    Stardate 5679.00

    Saku Koivu will be out for an indefinate period of time following the accidental high-stick he received in the eye at the beginning of the 2nd period last night. What pisses me off is that out of four officials, not one of them "saw" the play to call the mandatory penalty, and later, with just under 5 minutes left in a tie game, they had no problems calling a double minor against Montreal on a high stick that barely scratched Stillman... in fact some folks would suggest Stillman bit his tongue to induce some of that blood flow, unlike Koivu who was leaking badly from his eye.

    And now back to your regular programming...

    Wednesday, April 26, 2006

    Habs Watch - Live from Montreal

    Stardate Unknown

    Montreal 1 Carolina 2

    Okay, not from Montreal, but still... pretty exciting so far.

    After two, it's still 1-0. A lot of chances, shots... Cam Ward is really putting on a show for Carolina. I haven't heard about Koivu yet; the high stick got hiim right in the eye I suspect. There was no penalty which really surprised me because even though it wasn't intentional, there is usually a mandatory penalty call...

    Great game after two periods. Just in, Koivu will not return; he is off to the hospital.

    14:00 to go and Ward robs Higgins. Montreal is dominating face-offs this game!

    Damn.. the crowd is singing with 13:00 left. Hope it isn't a bit premature...

    10:00 to go and lots of hits. Montreal is content to plug up the middle, and still get chances... Good stuff!

    8:30 to go and Brind'amour scores... Tie game now! Hold on boys...

    7:50 and there's a Carolina power play. Not good... Does Brind'amour ever run out of gas?

    4:54 and it could be a long night...

    Damn... minutes left and a friggin penalty on Komisarek for high sticking... What a joke after Koivu lost his eye earlier... 4:00!!!!!

    First Murray and then Bonk get great chances short handed early on... Murray blocks shots... what a kill!!! 30 seconds left and Carolina is off-side.

    0:24 left in the third, and they killed it off!

    We got OT again!!!! Man, what a game! I think I need a sedative... or something :P

    Good first few minutes anyhow. Tight coverage, no mistakes!

    Tripping call against Plekanec. I have real mixed feeligns about the number of calls in OT so far this year... Well stay tight boys!

    Damn! Power play goal with one defender stickless... Garrrrrr!

    *** Morning after thoughts ***

    First off, Cam Ward played great for Carolina. Several times, Montreal should have taken the lead but he made sensational saves to keep the puck out.

    The refs seem to like stickign things in their mouths when they never would have dared to before. But then they also miss things that are blatant, expecially considering there are two refs and two linesmen out there. Koivu sustained a cut near the eye in what I thought was a pretty obvious play, and directly in front of the official. No penalty whatsoever on it, even if accidental. Then with less than 5 to go, Montreal gets called for a 4 minute high stick on what Ribiero says was Stillman biting his tongue... I agree. Bad call. Then in overtime, Plekanec gets a hold, and what does he say? "Maybe I held him, maybe he fell over the net..."

    As far as I am concerned, these are the two things that decided the game. Some great saves by the young Carolina netminder, and some VERY sketchy calls at brutal times in the game.

    Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    War costs lives.... period.

    Stardate 5669.45

    It would seem that H-Dawg has personally put a ban on any media coverage of the return of fallen soldiers to our land. Gee, I think he should stop trying to be so much like George McChimpy. Our people NEED to know that there is a price involved with war, beyond tax dollars. By attempting to cover up images of coffins draped with Canadian flags, Harper is only showing more of what many people suspected he would be like. This same practice is under fire in the US and now it is under fire here.

    Couple this with the fact that Klein in Alberta and McGuinty in Ontario are defying Harper's stop to lowering flags to half mast when soldiers are killed and we can start to wonder why the hell Harper is so bent on dishonoring the troops he supposedly wants to support so badly.

    You cannot hide the ugly truth about war. People die. Lowered flags and coffins SHOW us this, and hiding these things from people is dishonest and dishonorable. In fact, this ridiculous "Bushism" will have the opposite effect they desire. Instead of drawing attention away from our mission in Afghanistan, they are suddenly getting far more media attention than they ever would have before...

    Habs Watch - Rydin on the wind

    Stardate 5667.75

    Montreal 6 - Carolina 5 (2 OT)

    It took only 2:32 into the second overtime for Michael Ryder to snap a shot through Cam Ward's legs to lift the Habs to a 2 - 0 series lead over the 2nd place Carolina Hurricanes. What a nailbiter of a game though. After a penalty filled second period that left the Habs starting the third two men down, Carolina had rallied back from a 3 - 0 deficit to be within a goal. I tell you, these penalties are almost getting to the point of ludicrous, but at least the calls are consistently ludicrous LOL! At any rate, Carolina scored twice on the two man advantage to take the lead, and I figured that was it for the beloved Canadiens.

    However Alex Kovalev (remember that name...) and Richard Zednik scored 36 seconds apart to pull ahead yet again. Stillman tied the game with only 90 seconds to go, and after an amazing overtime, the game was won. Huet stopped 41 of 46 shots and Martin Gerber was yanked in the first after giving up 3 goals on 9 shots. Former Red Deer Rebel netminder Cam Ward, came in in relief and played a solid game in a losing effort.

    The Habs return home for their next game on wednesday, after winning both road games in Carolina...

    Monday, April 24, 2006

    Lowering the flags

    Stardate 5664.04

    Since H-Dawg and our esteemed government won't do it, I'll lower the flag on Parliament Hill for them. Almost harpocritical isn't it? We won't "cut and run", to rip off a ripped-off Bushism, according to H-Dawg, but the least he could do is continue to lower flags when Canadian soldiers die. Instead, he is simply being arrogant and attempting to remove all vestiges of practices carried out by the former government.

    I mean seriously, we have a special ceremony at the start of a hockey game to honor the mother of a player who has passed away, and these guys can't even lower a flag to have mast. "It's covered on Remembrance Day" is what they say. Such compassion shown by the guy who wanted our troops shoulder to shoulder alongside his US brothers...

    *** UPDATE ***

    Rick Mercer has some interesting points about the Harpocritical policy...

    Blog of the Week - The Southpaw Pitch

    Stardate 5663.10

    As a member of BlogExplosion, I can choose to feature another member blog each week to help garner readers. This is a great way of meeting folks and getting people to check out new blogs.

    The Southpaw Pitch

    This week's renter is The Southpaw Pitch. His blog is hailed as "A Liberal's guide to politics and the 2006 elections". Stop by and have a read, especially if you are looking for some good left-leaning political views.

    Sunday, April 23, 2006

    Habs Watch - Kickin Butt in Carolina

    Stardate Unknown

    Montreal 6 - Carolina 1

    After a game that incited boos from the hometeam Carolina crowd, I have two names to toss out that broke the game as far as I'm concerned. Kovalev and Huet. Actually, Zednik didn't figure on the scoresheet, but I felt he played a pretty inspired game as well. I think Gerber is way off his game, and Carolina will seriously have to consider starting him in the second match. The big turning point came after Montreal killed off the 2 man disadvantage, and a sprawling Saku Koivu poked the puck up to Sundstrom, who had just appeared from the penalty box. Kudos to Higgins for the sheer effort he put in, not giving up on the play, and scoring his first Playoff goal by banking the puck off of Gerber's back from behind the net...

    Huet again shone as the games highlight machine, stopping 42 of 43 shots, and Kovalev sniped two beauty goals, and added an assist. The Habs lead the best of seven series 1 game to 0.

    In other news from the playoffs, what a hit in that Buffalo-Philly game. Good, clean hit, that caught that poor bugger with his head down. Sounds like he will be okay, so I hope Philly doesn't look for retaliation. That was a killer overtime game all in all, and I suspect that whoever makes it tio the finish line will have goaltending from someone like Huet or Robert Esche...

    Friday, April 21, 2006

    Broadcasting suicide

    Stardate 5648.45

    We all like to watch the tube to some degree or another. If you are like me at all, you will probably find most commercials on television either silly or downright insulting to our intelligence. I don't watch a lot of tv and this is one reason, but when I do, I tend to go do something when commercials come on, or simply "phase" them out. many people will surf while commercials are on, or at the very least, flip back and forth between two programs.

    This could all change however, as Royal Philips Electronics is developing technology that could allow broadcasters to freeze the channel, thus making you watch the commercials unless you walk away from the tv. In other words, no flipping between channels. So far, it may only be used on certain programs, and the tech would be housed either by the television itself, or a box on top. Philips said they will not put this tech in their own television products, but would rather market it out. SMART MOVE! You want to see sales drop off the face of the earth?

    In my opinion, not being able to switch channels during a commercial would make me stop watching tv period! In fact, I think the fastest way to lose viewers would be for broadcasters to implement this ridiculous technology.

    Good luck with the ratings once you start doing this folks!!!

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Maybe the grass isn't greener on the other side

    Stardate 5644.60

    Everyone's favorite turncoat MP David Emerson may or may not be frustrated with the Tories. Apparently, Harper enjoys wielding absolute control over his cabinet ministers, whether it is policy or propoganda. H-Dawg denies Emerson said this of course, but somehow I just don't believe him. As for Emerson, I am starting to think he is simply a publicity whore.

    I'll be watching this one closely for a while.

    Men's Lifestyle Advice

    Stardate 5643.75

    I found a link to an interesting article on MSN Men's Lifestyles... It is called "59 Things a Man Should Never Do Past 30"...
    Of course, being past 30, I had to check how many I would or could do...

    1. Coin his own nickname.
    2. Use a wallet that is fastened with velcro.
    4. Hacky sack.
    6. Hang art with tape.
    8. Ask a policeman, "You ever shoot anybody with that thing?"
    10. Skip.
    13. Tap on the glass.
    14. Shout out a response to :Are you ready to rock?"
    17. Name pets after Middle Earth creatures.
    18. Jokingly flash gang signs while posing for wedding pictures.
    19. Give shout-outs.
    25. Request extra sprinkles.
    26. Air drum.
    28. Eat Oreo cookies in stages.
    31. End a conversation with "later skater".
    32. Hold his lighter up at a concert.
    39. Whine.
    42. Google the word "vagina".
    43. Ride a pony.
    44. Sport an ironic moustache.
    47. Say "two points" every time he throws something in the trash.
    50. Purchase home-brewing paraphenalia.
    51. The John Travolta point-to-the-ceiling-point-to-the-floor dance move.
    52. Put less than ten dollars' worth of gas in the tank.
    53. Keep a miniscule amount of marijuana extremely well hidden.
    55. Watch the Pink Floyd laser light show at the planetarium.

    So either the folks writing this stuff for Men's Lifestyle are out of touch with me, or I am out of touch with what people expect from a man's lifestyle LOL...

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    What kids think of H-Dawg's Child Care Choice

    Stardate 5637.74

    This is what babies think of H-Dawg's Child Care planMaybe this kid wanted a hug instead of a good, firm handshake. Or maybe he was trying to tell H-Dawg that his beer and popcorn proposal is absolute rubbish.

    I was watching Edmonton Global news last night, and they interviewd some folks from H-Dawg's Vancouver trip about Child Care, and one lady said that the $100 a month will barely dent the cost she pays ($975 a child) and will do nothing to help the 300 child waiting list...

    I seriously hope the opposition BLOCKS this proposal. It is ridiculous, and will do nothing to solve the long term problems plaguing the Child Care system. This really doesn't affect me personally, but then I have no control over where my tax dollars go. However, I would rather see them used in a more useful manner regarding Child Care than payoffs...

    The only people this will seriously help are the people already staying at home. I mean really, would YOU quit your job for $100 a month to stay at home? Yeah right. Big choice there...

    *** UPDATE ***

    THIS in from Blast Furnace Canada... It's worse than we thought at campaign time even...

    Habs Watch - Round 1 vs Carolina

    Stardate 5637.66

    Well after a strong finish to the season, the Habs held on to 7th spot despite the red hot Devils coming from behind to win in the last game. Sadly, this means a first round match up with Carolina instead of Ottawa, and frankly, I think an Ottawa series would have been more exciting to watch, and the Habs would stand a better chance against the Sens. However, we will see. I remember a grossly underpowered Montreal squad win the Cup against Gretzky and the Kings once before... After all, we don't have any 100 point guys any more, though if Kovalev and Koivu played every game, they may have caught fire enough to get close.

    A few players to look to this round will be Huet and Kovalev. After last time out, when Alex "hurt" his hand and gave the game to Boston in the playoffs, many folks were very angry. He has played great through the stretch though, and with Ryder getting his 30th, and Koivu helping a ton, we stand a good chance to advance.

    The first game will be in Carolina this Saturday (22nd) at 5:00 pm MST.

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    All options are on the table...

    Stardate 5633.30

    The Iran nuclear power/weapons crisis still looms...

    Bush was asked if his administration was planning for the possibility of a nuclear strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.

    “All options are on the table,” he said.

    Such a reassuring statement. Again, I can't believe he would use these weapons, never mind flaunt the idea of their use even if they don't intend to. The thing that makes a kid want an ice cream more than anything else is when someone else has one and tell shim he can't...

    Blog of the Week - Full Metal Photographer

    Stardate 5632.70

    As part of the BlogExplosion community, we can share a space of our blog to advertise other members' sites. This week, I have featured a photo blog with some really cool work.


    This is a photoblog by a University of Nebraska law student, including both digital and film photography. Some stunning work so stop by and check it out by clicking the above link, or the Featured blog image in the sidebar!

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Rummy's been bad...

    Stardate Unknown

    Why does the report of Donald Rumsfeld personally authorizing the abuse and mistreatment of a detainee in 2002 not surprise me in the slightest? Gotta be bad week for Bushco. Rummy is already taking heat from many sides about Iraq, and Bush has graced the cover of Macleans magazine with the flattering headline "The Worst President in 100 Years?"

    Friday, April 14, 2006

    Good Friday

    Stardate Unknown

    In the immortal words of Pep Streebeck, thank God it's Friday!

    Today is the day for lawn raking, and soem yard work. Maybe later, I can play some tunes in the garage. I moved all my gear out there last night for about an hour, and played along to all my favorite Priest tunes, just for the neighbours pleasure :P

    Gotta try to get a bunch of work done on the GW Giant I am currently painting as well, as there are some GW bigwigs comign to our store next Friday, and it would be great to have him done and on hand for them to see :D You can see my progress in my WIP gallery on my painting site (read the updates to see the link) ...

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Sex, Lies and Biowarfare Trailers

    Stardate 5602.70

    It would seem another lie by the Bush administration has been revealed in the increasingly fun and interesting Iraq fiasco.

    Remember the trailers bristling with lab equipment for producing biowarfare weapons that the US found 50 days after the fall of Baghdad waaaay back in 2003? Turns out this was another lie... or perhaps a fabrication of truth to support the troops and the war effort to those people who still ardently support these people as if they could do no wrong... This was a victory for Bush and the pro-Iraq invasion folks, suggesting that perhaps they had been right all along.

    We've found the weapons of mass destruction... er, hello? Is there anyone there? Dick?"We've found the weapons of mass destruction!!!" This was what Bush and the White House claimed on May 29th, 2003, and for months afterwards, but little do the innocent people of the world know... it simply wasn't true. Unknown to most folks, a secret fact-finding mission (did I say secret?) sent by the Pentagon knew this was simply not true, even before Bush made his brash claim, and sent their findings on May 27th, two days earlier. However, these reports were all shelved so that Bush could perpetrate his lies about the trailers, and the elusive WMDs justifying their invasion.

    The group of biological weapons experts were sent by the Defense Intelligence Agency and all came to the same conclusion (emphasis mine)...
    "There was no connection to anything biological," said one expert who studied the trailers. Another recalled an epithet that came to be associated with the trailers: "the biggest sand toilets in the world."
    How long before McChimpy is impeached for his lies and the fact that every day he endangers not only his troops that have been spread all over in modern-day crusade fashion, but other nations as well, that may have been mislead into supporting his reign of war. Of course, everyone denies and will continue to deny this, in the name of National Security to be sure.

    So is Iran trying to build nuclear bombs? Maybe, but frankly, who are you gonna believe? A madman from the Middle East or a madman from Texas?

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    Bush's new career high...

    Stardate 5598.26

    For those who didn't already know what a screw-up Bush is, Preznit McChimpy has hit a new career high, well for people who disapprove of the job he's doing. According to the latest WP-ABC News poll, his support has dwindled away to 38%.

    Thirty-eight percent. Talk about instilling faith in the people you are leading.

    Monday, April 10, 2006

    Suspected Nuking of Suspected Nukes

    Stardate 5594.46

    Well it would seem that Preznit McChimpy may have let slip the rumor of PRE-EMPTIVE NUCLEAR STRIKES against suspected secret nuclear facilities in Iran. Of course, now, he is "toning down" the entire idea of a military solution to the ever growing Iranian nuclear energy/bomb predicament. Now I would never want to see a country like Iran get nuclear weapons as I have decided earlier, but who the hell is the US to even threaten using them? Got a little itchy trigger finger since it's been over 60 years since the last bombs? Yeah, the US is the only country to ever use weapons like this of any sort on another country, even if it did end WWII.

    The way I see it, there are two things to consider here. First, we all know what happened when Bush and his incredibly competent Administration decided to invade another country based on semi-sketchy-if-not-blatantly-made-up intelligence and the aftermath that was never planned for but we also know that they don't want "madmen" like the folks in Iran, Iraq, North Korea, or heck, just about everywhere else in the world having such weapons, yet many would consider McChimpy just as mad if not worse than the others!!! Well, at least *I* think he is out of control, and very nearly a madman.

    So does nuking parts of a country that may indeed only want nuclear tech for power (likely not but still, some REAL proof would be nice) seem like a feasible response? Apparently, the US military doesn't think it's a good idea. According to Seymour Hersh from the New Yorker, there may be a lot more to the talk of a military solution (and nukes) than anyone would care to admit...
    "He went on, “Nuclear planners go through extensive training and learn the technical details of damage and fallout—we’re talking about mushroom clouds, radiation, mass casualties, and contamination over years. This is not an underground nuclear test, where all you see is the earth raised a little bit. These politicians don’t have a clue, and whenever anybody tries to get it out”—remove the nuclear option—“they’re shouted down.”

    The attention given to the nuclear option has created serious misgivings inside the offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he added, and some officers have talked about resigning. Late this winter, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sought to remove the nuclear option from the evolving war plans for Iran—without success, the former intelligence official said. “The White House said, ‘Why are you challenging this? The option came from you.’ ”

    The Pentagon adviser on the war on terror confirmed that some in the Administration were looking seriously at this option, which he linked to a resurgence of interest in tactical nuclear weapons among Pentagon civilians and in policy circles. He called it “a juggernaut that has to be stopped.” He also confirmed that some senior officers and officials were considering resigning over the issue. “There are very strong sentiments within the military against brandishing nuclear weapons against other countries,” the adviser told me. “This goes to high levels.” The matter may soon reach a decisive point, he said, because the Joint Chiefs had agreed to give President Bush a formal recommendation stating that they are strongly opposed to considering the nuclear option for Iran. “The internal debate on this has hardened in recent weeks,” the adviser said. “And, if senior Pentagon officers express their opposition to the use of offensive nuclear weapons, then it will never happen.”

    Gods I hope Bush isn't this stupid. If there is anything that will make more countries want nuclear weapons faster, it is the threat of another country having and or using them. But then any monkey could figure that out.

    Thanks to Doc Laniac for the New Yorker story...

    *** UPDATE ***

    Wow, this is really very disturbing... CONPLAN 8022

    Sunday, April 09, 2006

    World of Warcrack

    Stardate Unknown

    Well I have not yet taken the plunge, but I have test driven World of Warcraft now for the first time. I spent maybe 6 hours in total and I am the proud player of Gaznarak, a Tauren Shaman. The Tauren are minotaur types and look very tough, though looks probably mean nothing. I liked the Shaman as a class, since they have the ability to cast some cool combat magic like lightning and such, as well as enchanting weapons and healing. Not too bad with a mace either, so it all works out pretty good.

    I really like the game overall, and I can see how easy it would be for someone to get into the game to the point of divorce... The world is HUGE, and full of life, either wandering critters or other players. NPCs (non player characters) and quests abound keep you busy all of the time. Details right down to fishing and cooking bring your character to life.

    I didn't like all of the walking so much.

    I will definately play more if I get a chance, but I still oppose buying a game in the store and then having to pay a monthly fee on top of it, just to play.

    Friday, April 07, 2006

    Habs Watch - Montreal upsets Ottawa

    Stardate Unknown

    For the first time since the '92 - '93 season, Montreal has won 8 games in a row, after doing the nearly impossible and defeating Ottawa 5 to 3 last night. David Aebischer hung on to save 44 of 47 shots after a first period that saw the Senators outshoot Montreal 21-6. In fact, after being down 2 to 1, the Habs scored twice in the second and twice in the third to run the score up before Heatley buried the biscuit (LOL) late in the third.

    They are tied with New Jersey for 6th in the conference again, and guess who is next on the schedule Saturday? You got it. New Jersey. I am gettign more and more optimistic with my hopes of a Cup win this year, especially if Aebischer is settling down as a solid backup to what I would call a great Vezina candidate in Huet. With only a half dozen games left, many against teams ahead of them in the standings, this is the time for Montreal to pull out all of the stops, and after this win against arguably the best team in the league, I hope they can hang on for the rest of the ride!

    Wednesday, April 05, 2006

    More calls for Iraq pullout

    Stardate 5568.6

    Obviously, these referendums mean nothing to Federal policy, but it is interesting that 24 of 32 cities in Wisconsin held referendums in favor of the imediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

    What I find interesting is that most people who support the war, and many of those who oppose it, say that immediate pullout would leave Iraq in a mess. Hello... WAKE UP. It already IS a mess! Damn me for saying it, but I am increasingly of the opinion that we should pull our own boys out of Afghanistan. Maybe it is because the heat is really being turned up but also because H-Dog is twisting our foreign policy slowly at the throat... twisting it into some sort of watered down US clone.

    So if immediate pullout is not an option because of the chaos it would leave Iraq in, then what is the plan now? The country is already in chaos, with calls for the PM to step aside, and increasing violence every day. Someone tell me a plan that will work since they don't have one and never did... As far as bringing freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people, one of the later thought up reasons for the invasion, the amount of money the US is spending on actual programs to aid in the development of the country ($63 million in the new budget) pales by comparison to the BILLIONS spent on security, military and developing militia forces there. Of course, I don't expect the US to foot the bill to fully rebuild a country they Shock and Awed into desolation and turmoil, but the priorities seem somewhat skewed...

    If the troops left, much of the insurgent activity would be curbed and money could actually be guided into developing the country properly.

    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    Blog of the Week - On the Left Tip

    Stardate 5564.0

    As part of the Blogexplosion community, one feature to help drive traffic and encourage readership to member's blogs is the "Rent my Blog" campaign. This is actually quite fun, and basically, members set a price to rent an advertisement for another member... Well this week, my featured blog is On the Left Tip.

    On the Left Tip
    RenaRF is extremely active in the progressive political world, and I am happy to say that she is a left winger with emphasis on accountability of the Bush administration. A key member of the Impeach Bush Coalition, she writes consistently well thought out pieces and contributes regularly to Daily KOS as well. For left-leaning views on American politics... Check out On the Left Tip!
    Hopefully, some reading will help inspire me to write a few new posts with more in depth thought and research (something that I feel has been very lacking for a while)...

    Monday, April 03, 2006

    The Fever Burns

    Stardate 5557.8

    It happens every spring. The sun stays out longer, the snow melts, and every time you look outside, you wish you could walk, run, play or drive out there all day. At least it does for me. I am not a fan of winter, whether it's the cold, snow, poor driving conditions... doesn't much matter. I just don't like it. Every spring, my mind starts to wander to the ball field, and drives in the country with the windows all down. Camping, picnics, maybe some fishing this year.

    I shouldn't complain about staring out my window at work all day, pining for the days when I was young, and I could lounge back in the grass, watching clouds float by on the sports field at Waterford, waiting for the inevitable afternoon downpour. I do believe that living in Africa ruined any pleasue I ever had for winter, or maybe it was just growing up a little more that did it.

    I shouldn't complain. I am lucky to have such a nice window in my office :)

    Saturday, April 01, 2006

    Habs Watch - Montreal eliminates Boston

    Stardate Unkown

    With his 7th shutout and third in a row against the Bruins, Huet stopped 32 shots to beat Boston two to nothing, eliminating them from playoff contention.

    Garth Murray scored both Montreal goals and the Habs cling to a tie with New Jersey for 6th in the conference.

    All opinions shared on this site are strictly my own. Some people may disagree and that is fine, but rude comments or overzealous debate will be curtailed. I enjoy civil discourse, and encourage independent thought. I oppose George W. Bush and his Wars based on lies.

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